Norfolk SENDIASS and Kids Mediation and Disagreement Resolution Service are joining forces to present free parent/carer online training on:
· Who is Norfolk SENDIASS?
· Who are Kids?
· What is Mediation?
· What is Disagreement Resolution?
· What is the purpose/point of attending Mediation and how can it be worthwhile
This virtual training is for parent/carers and will include a Q&A at the end.
The training coincides with Norfolk SENDIASS’s ‘Focus Week’ on Phase Transfer with an EHCP.
Wednesday 29th January 12pm-13:30pm
What is Mediation?
Before you lodge an appeal for a final EHCP
Evidence for an appeal to the SEND Tribunal
How to complete a SEND 35A form (A refusal to assess for an EHCP)
How to fill in a Case Review Form (SEND45)
How and when to complete a Request for Change form (SEND7)
Judicial Alternative Dispute Resolution (JADR)
During the Tribunal
The appeal hearing of a final EHCP
After the appeal hearing for a final EHCP
Disability Discrimination
Further appealing to the SEND Tribunal Information and fact sheets
Appealing to the SEND Tribunal useful links
Find a list of useful links relating to appealing to the SEND Tribunal