Read the latest SEND news stories here:

free training

Norfolk SENDIASS and Kids Mediation online parent/carer training

Norfolk SENDIASS and Kids Mediation and Disagreement Resolution Service are joining forces to present free parent/carer online training on: · Who is Norfolk SENDIASS? · Who are Kids?

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Norfolk Multi-agency Practice Week - Norfolk SEND Youth Forum

📣Join our SEND Youth Forum this Thursday 5pm-6pm for the Norfolk Multi-agency Practice Week.

Transport survey flyer Nov 24

POST 16 Transport survey

This is a quick survey from Norfolk County Council for POST 16 to gain views and experiences of public transport (bus/train) for school/sixth form/college or work in Norfolk.


FYI website for young people

FYI is a new interactive NHS website for young people in Norfolk and Waveney aged 11-24 years old, designed by the local community and validated by NHS professionals to provide…

SENDIASS steering group advert

Are you a parent/carer of a child or young person aged 0-25 with SEND?

Are you a parent/carer of a child or young person aged 0-25 with SEND?   Would you like to help shape how Norfolk SENDIASS works?


Momentum x SENDIASS Exclusion and Alternative Provision Workshop

Norfolk SENDIASS are working in conjunction with Momentum and the Sir Norman Lamb Coalition for Young People to present a workshop on Exclusion and Alternative Provision for anyone working or…

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