Read the latest SEND news stories here:
CDC online focus group
Invitation from Council for Disabled Children to an online focus group to discuss How the Norfolk SEND system can know if children and young people are living happy and healthy…

Norfolk SEND Survey results 2022
This document provides a quick summary of the results from this year’s first ever annual SEND Survey.
SEND Review: Right support, right place, right time
The government has published a green paper on the future of the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and alternative provision (AP) system and is undertaking a public consultation on…
ITV Anglia offers top opportunity to break into journalism to disabled people
ITV Anglia has begun advertising for its 2022 journalism traineeship scheme and this year the broadcaster is looking for applications from people with disabilities.

Norfolk County Council Feedback
Norfolk County Council wants feedback on SEND communications Norfolk County Council wants to hear from parent carers of children and young people who have, or might have, a special educational need…