Have you received your final EHCP following phase transfer?
As your child/young person is moving to a new phase of education by the 15th of February you would have received the phase transfer notice telling you the next place of learning they will attend. (excluding those moving into post 16+)
If you are not happy with the educational setting that has been named (section I) or the needs and provision (section B & F) you have the right to appeal. You have 2 months from the date on the phase transfer notice to appeal, details of how to appeal will be included in the notice letter.
Please be aware our helpline is extremely busy and due to the large numbers of people receiving their phase transfer notice, we are unable to offer earlier appointments to those who can book an appointment within the 2-month deadline. You can however, book onto our free Appealing a final EHCP training or access our resources below.
If you do not receive the phase transfer notice by or on the 15th of February, you need to contact the Local Authority on 01603 679183
⭐Free online Appealing a Final EHCP training -https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/appealing-a-final-education-health-and-care-plan-ehcp-for-parentcarers-tickets-798362944057
⭐Appealing a final EHCP booklet - https://www.norfolksendiass.org.uk/information-booklets-resources/booklets/appeal/
⭐Phase transfer information sheet - https://www.norfolksendiass.org.uk/assets/documents/phase-transfer-with-an-ehcp/Phase-transfer-with-an-EHCP2.pdf
⭐Help filling out a SEND 35 appeal form (Suffolk SENDIASS video) - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLr9lrTGJpvKfcPJt9xPIhD9xBLFFcmTti