We are in the process of recruiting for a new part-time, fixed term Helpline Advisor to support in reducing our wait times. If you are interested in the role please have a look at the link below, closing date for applications is the 31st October 2024 so be quick to get your application in!
I know it’s early to mention the ‘C’ word but for everyone’s information we will be closed over Christmas from 12pm on the 24th December and will reopen at 9am on the 2nd January.
We are currently very busy on our helpline so if you no longer need your appointment, please cancel with at least 24 hours’ notice so that the appointment can be booked by other parent/carers that need to speak with us.
SENDIASS resources
We are continuing to add further online resources to our website. You can find information on a range of subjects including bite-size video's, information sheets and frequently asked questions. During busy times please access these resources before booking an appointment to speak with an advisor.
Local Authority Phone line and Norfolk SENDIASS Helpline
On Monday 23rd September the Local Authority launched their new SEND and Inclusion Support line. This phone line is intended for parent/carers and professionals to support with discussions around those considering an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment application, preventing exclusions and if you can’t find what you need on the Local Offer. The new phone line is available on weekdays from 9am until 5pm and can be contacted on 0333 313 7165.
We here at SENDIASS just want to make clear that the SEND and Inclusion Support line and SENDIASS Helpline are two separate lines.
We are still here to help in providing impartial, confidential, arms-length, legally based information, advice and support to parent/carers and professionals on a wide range of things related to SEND in education and health and social care where it impacts on education.
Staff spotlight
Hi, my name is Sally Bailey, and I have been a Helpline Advisor for the Norfolk SENDIASS Service since November 2023.
Before working for Norfolk SENDIASS, I worked in both special and mainstream schools. Prior to this, I worked for a charity that provides support for children and young people with SEND.
My responsibilities as a Helpline Advisor for Norfolk SENDIASS involve me giving confidential and impartial advice/information to parents, carers and young people on matters related to SEND.
I very much enjoy being part of the Norfolk SENDIASS team as I am very passionate about supporting children, young people and their families, to help them to get the right information needed to move forward.
FYI website for young people
Before you lodge an appeal for a final EHCP
Why go to Tribunal
If the parent/carer or young person disagrees with the special educational needs, special education provision and/or the placement named in the EHCP.
The tribunal is independent of government, they will listen to both sides of the argument and the decision will be based on law.
Who can appeal?
- Parents of a child between 0 and 16
- Young Person over school leaving age (16) and under 25
- If the young person lacks capacity to appeal (Mental Capacity Act 2005) a representative can appeal on their behalf
What can be appealed?
Contents of an EHCP
•B: Educational needs
•F: Educational provision
•I: Placement
Non-binding recommendations can be made on Health and Social Care.
A parent/carer or young person must have a right of appeal given to them by the Local Authority to be able to lodge an appeal at the First Tier Tribunal.
The right of appeal can be gained in the following ways:
• Following a Final Plan being issued
• Following an Annual Review of an EHCP
Parent/carers or young people have two months from the letter sent by the Local Authority giving them the right of appeal in which to start the process.
For more information about mediation as part of the appeal process please see our mediation video.
It’s important to carefully consider what in the EHCP needs to be appealed.
If a parent/carer or young person looks to appeal the place of learning, then we advise they also look at & appeal (if necessary) parts B (needs) & F (provision).
It is important to look at sections B & F, to ensure that all the information in the reports has been used appropriately in these sections as these will inform the type of placement needed in Section I.
Please use our Reading and Understanding booklet to go through the EHCP to see what needs appealing.
SENDIST have powers to recommend that health or social care needs or provision are specified or amended in plans, and must send a copy of the recommendations to health commissioners as well as the LA for social care.
The SEND Tribunal only have the power to make ‘non-binding recommendations’ on health and social care. However, it has been made clear that the expectation is that the recommendations will generally be followed.
To appeal a health or social care section an educational section e.g. B, F or I must be appealed.
For more information on how to appeal a final EHCP please see our ‘Appealing to the SEND Tribunal’ resource section on our website.
Norfolk SEND Youth Forum update
Engagment and Outreach update