Norfolk SENDIASS update
This month we said goodbye to one of our SENDIAS Advisors Amy who was covering maternity, we want to thank her for all her work and wish her all the best in her future endeavours.
In last month’s newsletter we explained that we would be looking at ways to make some of the service offers better for parent/carers.
Moving forward we will no longer have Advice Clinics across the County instead we have our offer of ‘one-off’ support where parent/carers or young people that need support filling in forms, looking through tribunal paperwork or going through a draft EHCP can be offered this.
We will also be spending time over the Summer adding training recordings, resources and FAQs to our website, following 6 months of providing live training the overwhelming feedback we received from parent/carers and professionals was that they wanted recorded training that they can watch at a time that suits them and they can refer back to as many times as needed. Please keep an eye on our website from September as we will have lots of new information, advice and support on there.
We are currently very busy, if you no longer need your appointment, please cancel with at least 24 hours’ notice so that the appointment can be booked by other parent/carers that need to speak with us.
We have a great deal of resources and booklets on our website to support you with answering any questions you might have, whilst we are currently busy please do look at our website to see if it is able to help you move forward.
We are in the process of updating our website to make it more accessible and currently have a parent/carer consultation survey out. Please take some time to fill this in, this is a great help to us:
Case Law update
High Courts and Upper Tier Tribunals can make rulings on parts of the law that need clarifying (the grey areas), those rulings are called ‘Case Law’.
Following a Case Law ruling all other Courts and Tribunals then have to follow this and it takes precedent over what the law says.
Derbyshire CC v EM and DM [2019] UKUT 240 (AAC)
This ruling centred around Derbyshire County Council’s decision that SEN provision could not be provided by a school or other institution for two disabled sisters and whether it was necessary to name a school or other institution in section I of an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) if this was the case.
The First-Tier Tribunal determined that as the sisters wouldn’t be attending a school or other institution it wasn’t necessary for a school or other institution to be named in Section I of an EHCP and it would be appropriate to leave Section I blank. In these cases ‘education other than in school’ (EOTIS) would be provided.
The Upper Tier Tribunal agreed with the First-Tier Tribunal’s ruling and decided that there is no requirement for EHCPs to specify a school or other institution in Section I if the Local Authority (LA) considers that no school or other institution is suitable for the child.
Many families have welcomed this ruling as it had caused them distress to have a school or other institution named in an EHCP when this was inappropriate for that child or young person. This does not mean that Section I has to stay blank for the duration of a child or young person’s education, as normal they will have a yearly review which means that section I can be amended at a later date if a school or other institution becomes a possibility for a child or young person.
Local Authorities must be absolute in their decision to leave Section I of an EHCP blank, it can only be done when it is wholly inappropriate for a school or other institution to be named. Section I must not be left blank if the LA believe that there is a school or other institution that can meet the SEN provision of the child or young person.
Staff spotlight
Kelly Drew, Business and Communication Co-ordinator
My name is Kelly, and I am the Business and Communication Co-ordinator for Norfolk SENDIASS. I have worked for Norfolk SENDIASS since 2015. Before working for Norfolk SENDIASS I worked for Norfolk Family Information Service and Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service.
My responsibilities as Business Communication Co-ordinator include being the first point of contact for parent/carers who contact us, collecting and analysing data and reporting to the Steering Group, Service Manager and any other relevant stakeholders. Conducting market research and analysing for statistical and development purposes. Managing the services website and social media accounts, contributing to the future development of online services and the design and development of marketing materials and the technical and strategic lead for our service database, booking system and newsletter.
I love being part of this team and contributing to delivering a invaluable service to parent/carers children and young people in Norfolk.
Parent/carer training
We offer a variety of free SEND training for parent/carers. You can book your place via our website. More training and dates will become available throughout the year.
Upcoming Events
JULY 2024
1st July - 11:00am
Suspension and Exclusion - ONLINE
An understanding of the legal tests and processes around fixed term suspensions, illegal suspensions, permanent exclusions and managed moves.
11th July 2024 - 12:00pm
Overview of an EHCP - ONLINE
This training is for parent/carers to give an overview and understanding of the processes related to an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
We are offering online training for professionals. You can book your place via the professional section of the website.
Appealing a final EHCP - 4th July - 15:30 - 18:30
As a professional you can book an appointment to speak with an advisor using the booking link on our website.
Who are Norfolk SENDIASS and how can we help?
Read more about who are Norfolk SENDIASS and the types of things we can help with.
Watch our short video -
Norfolk SEND Youth Forum
In our on-line meeting this month, we were delighted to welcome two new young people, in addition to our regular members!
We have continued to look at the Flourish themes, and reflect on how the Youth Forum supports our members to “flourish”!
To read more about this please click on the link below:
We were also able to share our experiences of this years SENDFEST; all those who attended agreed that it had been a great day out for them!
We were joined by Michelle Gurner, Life Skills Broker, who is leading on a Pilot project for NCC. Michelle had sought to consult with the group, about their experiences or expectations around the transition from school to further education.
Michelle asked the following questions:
- How was your transition from 5 days at school to 3 days at college?
- What went well?
- What could have been better?
- What are your expectations for your move?
Responses from Youth Forum
Transition Issues
- Transitioning this September. Prefer three days rather than five days as too much work and need time off to relax. Will be less stressed and more time to do homework on days off.
- I did not know what to do on the two days off especially when mum and dad are not off work.
- I would like more things to be offered on the two days off.
- I preferred college as could focus on less subjects.
- I think when I transition to college, I was kinda scared since most of the people that I knew from High School were going to a different college. Later on, maybe after two weeks, I got new people to talk with and I got used to the new place easily.
- College was closer but I missed my friends from school.
- I would like to see more access to being helped in class, so you get additional support.
- I was hoping to get more support to make more progress and to find work.
- l would have liked to do a childcare course but people who don't want to be at college seem to take that course on
- I was disappointed as I go into college four days instead of three days. I travel for over an hour each way sometimes for only 2 hours at college.
- I could only do level 1 at my nearest college, and I would have been bored.
- College is over 40 miles away from where I live.
- There is nothing suitable closer.
- There is somebody at my college who has to take the train.
Michelle thanked everyone for their feedback and input into the project .
Michelle would like to come back to another meeting to update the group on the project.
We are thrilled that one of our longest serving members, Charlotte, agreed to be part of the Flourish Awards Young Person Judging panel, last weekend, and we look forward to hearing her feedback of the experience!
We were also able to plan for our next face to face meet up, which is on 13th July at County Hall, where we plan to review the year, celebrate the groups achievements, plan for the coming year, and enjoy a hearty lunch.
We will be taking a short break over the summer; our monthly meetings will begin again in September!
Bridget Robinson, Engagement and Advice Worker
Engagement and Outreach update